What Type of Parent Will You Be?

We may all want to be that effortlessly trendy parent who’s admired by the kids and adored by their friends… but let’s face it, parenting is no piece of cake and when push comes to shove we may all end up becoming unhinged balls of stress. The qualities you hold most dear and the ways in which you behave towards the different challenges and people in your life provides a great deal of insight into your parental personality. So, why wait to have a child to find out? Discover which type of parent you’ll be in our quick, fun test!

One of the most famous power-parents has to be the Beckhams. Iconic soccer player, David, and his Spice Girl wife, Victoria, have been making headlines since they first got together in the late 90s. It’s not always easy being in the shadow of such successful parents however, as their eldest son, Brooklyn, once revealed: “Every time I made a mistake everyone was looking at me. I just wanted to go in my own direction.”