What Type Of Ghost Would You Be?

Have you ever wondered about the existence of ghosts or spirits? Well, if you do believe in ghosts, you are certainly not alone. Cultures all around the world have been passing down traditions as to what may be being communicated from beyond the grave since ancient times. So the next time you hear the floorboards creaking or animals howling for no reason, think twice about what might be around you! We’ve got a fun personality test to reveal your own personal haunting style here. There’s no shortage of famous ghosts throughout literature and film—which one matches you? Let’s start the What Type Of Ghost Would You Be test!

If you’re between 8 and 100 years old and don’t fly or walk on four-legs, you are likely facing a huge disadvantage if ghost-chasing is your game. Most so-called experts agree that children and animals are more likely to sense and communicate with ghosts, as spirits prefer those that speak little or not at all. And if you believe in ghosts this will definitely float your boat: Albert Einstein himself may have postulated a scientific basis for their existence. If energy can be neither created nor destroyed, what becomes of our energy once we pass away? The answer is that it can only change its form.