Can You Even Function As A Basic Adult?

Like the baby boomers and Gen Xers before them, Millennials are stage-center these days and facing a relentless barrage of criticism—such are the joys of being the dominant demographic! Perhaps the biggest slight on Millennials is a perceived inability to perform day-to-day tasks. How can such a tech-savvy, busy and informed generation struggle to boil eggs, iron shirts or sew buttons? Be honest: do you fall into this category? Take our Basic Adulting Test and see if you’re cut out to making it on your own! No Google or calling your parents for help allowed.

So just what is the age bracket for a millennial? It is a topic for fierce debate, but most cultural researchers agree that if you were born “between the early 1980s to the mid-1990s” then you are indeed a Millennial. As the generation before this is know as “Gen X”, the term “Gen Y” has ended up being skipped.