What Would You Look Like in a Xmas Cartoon?

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. The windows shine in a soothing yellow and illuminate the snow-covered streets. Shops are busy, reindeer are causing traffic jams, the town is abuzz with excited children, and the grown-ups are uncharacteristically generous. Meanwhile, you’re relaxing in your most comfortable armchair, sipping eggnog, and switch on the telly. And of course, the programme is festive too. You can pick from a gazillion Christmas cartoons to watch, and you’re beginning to wonder: what if you could just climb into your TV and join those merry creatures? What would you look like as an animated Xmas character? Well, wonder no more. Just take our test and find out!

One weird Norwegian tradition is that people hide their brooms for Christmas Eve. They do so to prevent evil spirits and witches from stealing the brooms. Those creatures of the night are believed to come out on Christmas Eve, looking for broomsticks to ride on!