Dave Ramsey’s – 7 Baby Steps to Financial Freedom

This guide will equip you with the know-how on how to free yourself from debt. So many people struggle with managing their daily finances and end up head-deep in debt. Based on the principles of Dave Ramsey, a personal money management expert, radio talk show host and TV personality, we will try and help you better understand your relationship to money and give you a no-nonsense approach to building a long-term strategy for becoming debt-free. Dave Ramsey works with people who have experienced money trouble and helps them overcome their financial burdens in a responsible way. If you didn’t think it was possible to be debt-free, think again!

Please note that this guide is inspired by Dave Ramsey's "7 Baby Steps." However, it is not directly affiliated with, endorsed by, or sponsored by Dave Ramsey. If you wish to know more about his step-by-step plan, please refer to this website: https://www.daveramsey.com/baby-steps