Baking Quiz

Is there anything more beautiful than baking? Mixing the ingredients, surreptitiously licking the bowl and watching goggle-eyed as the magic happens in the oven, it’s truly the stuff of dreams. But do you consider yourself a master baker or an amateur? This quiz will help separate the wheat from the chaff. We’ve got ten baking questions of increasing difficulty to challenge your baking ways. Let’s go!

Having a tea and cake break in the afternoon is now seen as something of a quintessential British tradition, but did you know how it originated? According to historian Helen Simpson, the woman we can thank for this great tradition is Anna Russell, Duchess of Bedford. According to Simpson, Anna "grew tired of the sinking feeling which afflicted her every afternoon round 4 o'clock ... In 1840, she plucked up courage and asked for a tray of tea, bread and butter, and cake to be brought to her room. Once she had formed the habit she found she could not break it, so spread it among her friends instead. As the century progressed, afternoon tea became increasingly elaborate."