Can You Identify These Animals from Their Close-Ups?

Animals are the light of our world. Sadly, though plenty of humans appreciate the creatures that share our Earth, we are having a terrible impact on their homes and their populations. But as long as conservation efforts are supported and maintained by governments and independent organizations throughout the world, the world's beautiful wildlife will prosper. In celebration of those efforts and the beauty of the natural world, we’ve brought together a little quiz that features a few of our planet’s most endangered species. But it’ll be up to you to identify them from their close-ups! Reckon you can spot these beautiful creatures from just their fur, feathers or scales? Let's find out!

If we care about the animals of our world then the greatest contribution we can make to ensuring their survival is to be mindful of pollution. Though we don’t often come in contact with endangered species, there are plenty of other animals that live near us. By doing our bit to take care of the planet and its environment, we will in turn help all life on Earth.