Empathy Type Test

Find out which empathy type influences you the most by answering these simple questions. Empathy is the capacity to experience another person’s thoughts and feelings from his or her point of view. Research has shown that emphatic people tend to have happier relationships and greater personal well-being. Empathy is also vital in the facilitation of effective communication, helping us to connect and support one another. Like other emotional intelligence skills, empathy can be practiced and developed.

What are the different empathy types?

Psychologists have divided empathy into three major types: Cognitive, Emotional, and Compassionate. Cognitive empathy is the ability to understand someone else’s perspective or mental state. It is concerned with thought and intellect. Emotional empathy is the ability to experience the emotions of another as though they were your own. This type of empathy is concerned with physical sensation and feelings. Finally, compassionate empathy is a balance of the other two, and is concerned with action.

How can I find out my empathy type?

In order to find out what type of empathy influences you the most, simply take this fun and free test. All you have to do is answer the questions as honestly as possible. Don’t worry, there are no right or wrong answers here. When you’ve completed the test, you’ll see which empathy type influences you the most.

Empathy can play an important role in negotiations. Understanding what is important and less important to the other side will help you ‘win’ in negotiations or reach the best possible outcome. Having empathy in negotiations is vital to understanding how to stand your ground and when making concessions.