Which celebrity is your twin?

Celebrities push boundaries, make or break stereotypes, are the voices behind many causes and the faces behind many, many scandals. But, they are also in superior positions because they are influential when it comes to making a change. Whether that change is ending world poverty or setting the trend for a new handbag, we can’t deny they’re not entertaining to read about! If you’ve ever wondered which A-list celebrity you have the most in common with, then try this test to find out which celebrity is your perfect twin. From lifestyle choices, to choices in partners, travel destinations, food preferences and clothing favorites, you just might be surprised when you learn which celebrity shares the same values and traits as yourself. Ready to match up to your twin? Let’s go!

Did you know that Scarlett Johansson has a twin brother, Hunter? She is technically the older of the two, beating him by three minutes! Hunter is also an actor but has focused his time on other projects like political and philanthropic work.