The Star Trek Quiz
“Beam us up, Scotty”. Mr Spock. Phasers. Klingons. Star Trek has been burned into the collective subconscious and left a huge mark on popular culture. Its optimistic vision of the future has inspired millions. There are scientists and astronauts who chose their careers because they wanted to help make Star Trek come true. What about you? Do you consider yourself a Trekker? How well can you manoeuvre through the seven TV shows and 13 movies? Find out with these 35 questions. Engage!
Due to bad ratings, “Star Trek” was cancelled in 1969. But in the 1970s, reruns in off-network syndication gave the show much more exposure, and it gained so much popularity that in 1976, NASA named their first Space Shuttle orbiter after the starship Enterprise. In “Star Trek: The Motion Picture”, the Space Shuttle was depicted as a predecessor to the starship.